Age | 1-10 |
Bottle size | 700 ml |
Bottle strength | 40% |
Box | Yes |
Distillery | Yamazaki |
Distillery status | Open |
Region | Asian |
Whisky | Single Malt |
This is the Yamazaki 10 years old, but the regular one…This one has the ‘Pure Malt’ statement on it. Suntory switched ‘Pure Malt’ to ‘Single Malt’ in 2002 to get more in line with the Scotch whiskies by that time. However, nowadays we know that Japanese whiskies are more valuable than Scotch 😉
The regular Yamazaki 10 is already hard to get and already discontinued, but this older Pure brother is even earlier discontinued since 2002. Must have for your retirement!
Please take a careful look at the pictures to make sure the condition of the box matches your own personal standards.
1 in stock